Last Post

For the past year I have been busy taking care of my husband, who has had cancer, then my Mom who broke her back. Now as I finally get a break from taking care of others, I have been diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized to my lymph nodes and cervical spine. It came as a great surprise to me, and will be ending my blog and quite possibly my life. This is my final blog, as I am no longer producing art. I will be spending my last days on this earth with family and squaring away some important things. Thank you all for allowing me to show you my creations.

Life gets in the way of art

in late July my husband was diagnosed with head and neck cancer and has been going through treatment since late August. My entire focus has been on him and fighting this cancer. It is hard for me to find the time to post, paint etc. Thank you all for your continued support through these very tough times.

Life is complicated

I have not posted in a while. I have had family illnesses, I have been ill, and now my Beautiful husband has been diagnosed with cancer. I really don’t know when I will have time to paint or even create any art at all. I love creating beautiful art pieces and am going through painting withdrawals. Life sometimes trumps creativity. I may even have to close all of my accounts, due to financial hardships caused by mounting medical bills, and basic everyday price increases. Unfortunately , this current system of things is favoring the rich and squashing the middle class and poor out of existence. Oh how I really wish that I was able to work a paying job, to help make ends meet. We are sinking fast , and I have no solutions. I am so stressed out trying to be the rock for so many people right now. I sure need people to buy my art , so that I have some income to help cover everyday expenses and doctor bills. Apparently , I am not as talented as I thought I was. The horrible economy has forced so many people to cut back or even give up buying frivolous things such as art, and home decor.

I will try to post more frequently, as time and life allows. Thank you all for your interest and support.

Life gets in the way of art

It has been a while since I have posted anything on here. It began in January, when my husband and I both came down with COVID , no lasting affects for him, but I lost hearing in my right ear, and still have lasting neurological problems. Then in mid February as I was just finally beginning to feel better, my husband fell off the front porch and broke his shoulder, he is recovering, but it has really taken a tole on me physically , mentally and emotionally. I will eventually get back to art, when he is healed and all of my to do lists are finished. Blessings to all , I will try to keep you updated .


Sorry for being away so long, but I have had health issues and have not been able to produce much art. I am currently working on a painting that I will be donating to the city of Caldwell. It is from a photo I took while strolling down the path at Indian Creek, downtown Caldwell , Idaho. Indian Creek is the hub of our town, all of the fun community activities take place there. So as a tribute to its beauty and cheerfulness, I am painting , in oils on a 28 x 32 canvas one of the many bridges crossing the creek. This one may take me a minute or two to paint , because the arthritis in my hands is getting really painful , therefore , I must take many breaks to stretch my fingers and rid my hands of painful cramping. I hope to feel better soon and post more frequently. Blessings to all, with hopes that the new year brings much happiness and health.

I know I promised more drawings , but a strange thing happened Friday the 13th. We lost power to half of our house, and can not get an electrician out till tomorrow. No lights no drawings. I would normally just go outside and sit to draw, but here in Caldwell Idaho we have a massive inversion with so much smoke from fires surrounding us, that I can not breath. You see I am currently undergoing testing for COPD which is a lung disorder and I have trouble breathing in certain situations and conditions. Wow, you get past 50 and things just start going downhill, unless you have had a sheltered posh life of luxury, which is far from what I have had. Well gang, I have bored you enough with the sob story, next time I will have some drawings to show you, I may even do a little something different like show it in progressions. God Bless all. Thank you for dropping in.